Tight-Knit Community
At ECA, students develop close relationships with staff and their peers in a tight-knit learning community where everyone helps one another succeed.
We work to equip every student with the knowledge, life skills, and global perspectives to contribute to an ever-changing world.
As a Community School District, we thrive on continuous partnership, inviting students and families to shape culture, and connecting with community organizations to provide on-site educational, enrichment and support services.
Brooklyn Center Community Schools’ Community Education Department offers lifelong opportunities for learners of all ages through various programs and activities.
Students at the ECA have access to support services such as mental health and chemical dependency counseling and child care services.
Brooklyn Center Community Schools is committed to equipping each student, staff member and community member with the knowledge to contribute to their lifelong personal wellness by promoting equity, social-emotional development, nutritional education, environmental stewardship, physical activity, and more.
Students at the ECA have the opportunity to attend college courses at MCTC and NHCC starting in grade 10. Staff members customize instruction for all students in small classroom settings.
From Our Community
News & Events
By The Numbers
Students Enrolled in ECA
Early College Academy Staff Members
Annual Visits to the Family Resource Rooms
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